A Dude Ranch Adventure: A Tale of Safety Concerns

Last week, I embarked on a vacation to the second-highest-ranked dude ranch in the United States. While the experience offered stunning scenery, friendly staff, and a plethora of activities, my initial excitement was tempered by a growing sense of unease. As a seasoned riding instructor, I couldn’t help but notice the potential safety hazards that lurked beneath the surface of this idyllic retreat.

One of the highlights of the ranch was the opportunity to go horseback riding twice a day. However, the prospect of riding up and down steep mountain trails and seeing something other than sand and palmetoes it also filled me with apprehension. My anixiety has lead me to the dressage ring and even then I am consumed with the “what if’s”. The scenery in Idaho was breathtaking, but the potential risks were equally daunting. The trails were narrow, and covered in slippery slat type rocks. And while most rides were only at a walking pace, all I could think about was what would happen if…. If the horse slipped, if one of the riders fell, if one of the horses spooked. I mean horses and horses and the walk is statistically the most dangerous gait for riders due to the horse’s precarious balance.

My concerns were further exacerbated by the lack of safety protocols. I have owned and managed a large lesson barn for 30 plus years and I have ridden for over 50 years, not only do I never ride without a helmet, but no one at barn barn is allowed to ride without a helmet. At the Dude ranch helmets and boots were available upon request, but most of the riders had no idea why they would want to request them. There was no discussion about their importance or proper usage. Or how the human brain is effected by tramua. The gift shop was stocked with cowboy hats but lacked essential safety gear like helmets or boots. As an experienced rider and certified instructor, I know the consequences of a head injury could be severe, especially given the remote location of the ranch, and there was no way I would have let unexperienced riders, ride without a helmet. I mean, would you get into a car and not wear a seatbelt? Would you go on a boat without a life jacket?

The absence of a thorough ground introduction to the horses was another red flag. Without basic knowledge of horse handling, riders were at increased risk of accidents. The guides failed to provide essential instructions on how to respond to emergencies. Trail riding often involves navigating challenging terrain, encountering wildlife, and dealing with unexpected situations. After all horses are prey animals and can react instinctively to perceived threats. Understanding their body language and behaviors can help riders anticipate and prevent potential problems. A rider who knows how to maintain control of their horse can better handle these challenges and keep themselves, other participants and their horse safe.

I did participate in three horseback riding sessions. A Sceenic ride (walking only), an advanced ride (walk, tort and canter) and a Lunch ride. The lunch ride took 5 hours and the entire time all i could think about was the theme from Gilligans Island. Each ride was a nerve-wracking experience to me. The trails we very steep and very rocky. But the sceenery was stunning, but the idea of riders of varying skill levels navigating challenging terrain without proper guidance or safety equipment was hard to get past. The potential for accidents seemed ever-present. All I could think about was we were an hour and ahalf from the nearest tramua center. And that would be after they got you off the mountain.

While the dude ranch offered a unique and memorable experience, but I think I will find more relaxing experiences in other activies. I have spent my life trying to keep students, riders and horses safe and it is very difficult to turn that off. As a riding instructor and life long horseman, I believe that all riders, regardless of their experience level, should be provided with adequate safety training and knowledge to keep themselves safe. By implementing stricter safety protocols, dude ranches could ensure that their guests enjoy their vacations and return home in one piece.

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